Moving towards a point with angle

I’m trying to add force to a bowling ball so it moves to where the mouse clicked. This is working horribly:

Vector3 TargP = (transform.position - target).normalized;
        TargP.y = 0;
        gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(TargP * 5000);

target parameter assignment code:

var mouseP = Input.mousePosition;
            mouseP.z = 1;
            var Target = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Camera>().ScreenToWorldPoint(mouseP);

I tried this, it works better than what I’ve been trying, but not perfect. Idk, it’s just sensitive or something. Could be better.

Like, if I click center, the ball goes a little or a lot to the left. Can some one fix?

Vector3 mP = Input.mousePosition;
            mP.z = GameObject.Find("Bowling Ball").transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
            Vector3 Pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mP);
            Vector3 direction = (Pos - GameObject.Find("Bowling Ball").transform.position).normalized;

I actually think I got it. I mean, I don’t think the problem is with the code. I need to do some modifying on my end.

Did you Got the solution? . I also want to know this

That code should work. The standard algorithm for finding the point between two targets is

(targ1 position - targ2 position).normalized;

I’ve known this from my past experiences with Roblox Studio. :slight_smile:

You probably learned this in school, to understand (with pseudocode and a 2d example), the way this is done in a mathematical sense is you find the difference between the two points:

diffX = destX - sourceX
diffY = destY - sourceY

Then you calculate the length of the line between these two points

lineLength = Math.sqrt((diffX * diffX) + (diffY * diffY));

The differences divided by the length of your line give you a unit vector of direction, which you can optionally choose to adjust with a speed variable

velX = (diffX/lineLength) * speed
velY = (diffY/lineLength) * speed

If you’re using this for 3d it’s mostly the same except you introduce a 3rd variable into each step for your Z pos