Moving UI labels with orbiting camera


I have set up a camera to orbit around an object and I want to display a UI image near a particular part of the object which rotates while the camera orbits.

How might I go about this using the new Unity 5 UI.
Can someone please guide me.


I advise you to use the following function to get the position of your label from a 3D point :

public Vector3 WorldToViewportPoint(Vector3 position);

Doc : Unity - Scripting API: Camera.WorldToViewportPoint

Finally, you set the anchor position of your label with RectTransform :

RectTransforms are used to store and
manipulate the position, size, and
anchoring of a rectangle and supports
various forms of scaling based on a
parent RectTransform.


See Unity - Scripting API: RectTransform

labelPosition = Camera.main.WorldToViewportPoint( position ) ;
rectTransform.anchorMin = labelPosition ;
rectTransform.anchorMax = labelPosition  ;

I made a similar feature, see this question :