We have a problem here moving our Pro licence from one computer to another, and we are close to a milestone.
We had to change the computer of our CG artist and we have sold the precedent PC, on which was installed the Unity pro licence.
We have UNinstalled the Unity pro licence from the ancient machine and when we tried to re-install the licence that we have bought to unity and we have all the right to use we can’t.
It says that the unity licence is installed on too many machines !!
Also, we have already contacted support@unity3d.com but we had no response by far…
It’s not really important imho. I say its a good thing, but its not important. Because lets face it we rarely do swap licenses, and in any case for my macbook on the move I just use unity free and script with that til I get back home. It’s not a killer big deal to me.
I’d rather have two licenses on my main machines and do this than suffer one license that I have to go online and swap 20 times per day (I have swapped machines that often, partly when testing if shader x works on the PC and so on).
So if the automated system reduced it to one license I’d probably go insane and download a crack out of sheer frustration. I don’t think I’m in any trouble as I’m a paid up guy. But anyway, copy protection is meant to harm non legit users, not legit users.
The reason why 2 licenses are important in something like unity, is because you often do have to switch machines, where you often don’t with a 3D package. A 3D package doesn’t care about different hardware.
No more reactions from Unity.
It’s a pain.
It’s not important untill you begin to work in a company environment where you’re no more alone.
We are independants and we are not big enough to affort the price of 2 licences per persons, but we are big enough to have problems with our PC/machines.
Waiting for someone to react in the unity side is a pure loss of time for us.
This loss of time can fragilize us and WE ARE CLOSE TO A MILESTONE !
What do I say to people who have decided to trust us ?
“Oh ! Sorry we can’t show you everything we promised you because of unity” ?
What will I do if investors decide to continue to follow us still?
Purchase additional licenses Unity?
Not under these conditions.