MP3 streaming in WebGL not actually streaming but waiting for the whole sound download before playing?

Is there a working example of mp3 streaming using UnityWebRequest/DownloadHandlerAudioClip in WebGL ?

I tested it settings DownloadHandlerAudioClip.streamAudio = true, but no matter what I do, when I test it with a rather large MP3 file, I can see in the browser console that Unity only starts playing the sound AFTER the whole stream has been received, as opposed to starting whenever an initial buffer is received.

My code looks like this:

using (var req = new UnityWebRequest(url, "GET", new DownloadHandlerAudioClip(url, AudioType.MPEG)))
	DownloadHandlerAudioClip dlHandler = (DownloadHandlerAudioClip)req.downloadHandler;
	dlHandler.streamAudio = true;
	var download = req.SendWebRequest();
	yield return download;
	AudioClip audioClip = dlHandler.audioClip;

WebGL is single-threaded, therefore no background streaming. The compatibility page briefly mentions this stating that the streaming property must be false.

Ah ok, I must have missed that part. Also, I see that Audioclip.SetData is also limited, so that means that the option of manually processing byte array as they arrive, decompressing to WAV and feeding the Audioclip wouldn’t work either, right ?

My use case is an avatar that the user can speak to (using an LLM on the backend). Not being able to stream the response implies a serious delay when the avatar answers with a long text