army of skeletons on sale til oct 31 in unity asset store at 50% off for just $22.50 they are very nice you get like 8 skeletons 4 fully animated all very nice…
i think i’ll pass, while i guess the gesture is belatedly nice, who you really owe a big giant apology to is to bencoleman, plus the website asks for a lot of information that i and many others would not likely hand out for just a free model, even a nice free model. best regards
ps. dont sweat it your very nice assets are still on my shopping list. but it was certainly a facepalm when i read your post. you literally step into it… next time use some translation website first
“It’s a steal” means that they are so cheap that one nearly has to feel guilty for buying them at such a low price.
He was actually being supportive. These things can happen - slang and sayings can sometimes be difficult. I misunderstood some of those too in the past.
The models look very good. I even think you are selling them way too cheap.
Thank you the_motionblur.
I see my mistake. As I said it was pretty bad morning, when I waked up and seen this on my tread even before drinking cap of coffee.