Multi camera streaming problem

Hi, my project have using 2 camera, 1 is only for me with some UI on it, 2 is for other people for watching but hide UI I don’t wanna show them, it’s working good, but some reason the camera 2 show the camera 1 thing (with UI), don’t how this happen.
Camera 1 is setting on MainCamera, Display 1, 2 is not and set as Display 2.
Camera 2 using Culling Mask for showing thing I want for other people to see, that doesn’t contain my UI.
1 situation is in UnityEditor when I change Display, for example in Display 1, I can see the camera 1 things on my streaming side, and Display 2 too.
Build to the PC .exe sometime working good, and some reason it happen too.
Any idea?

using version : 3.1.0-exp.6
unity : 2021.3.6f1

Please let me see the “Canvas” component on the inspector window.
You should use the “Screen Space - Camera” option as a Render Mode and set the camera to “Render Camera”.

Thanks for reply, yes I’m using “World Space” Render Mode, but I need a 3D Model in front of the UI background, so I can’t set to “Screen Space - Camera”.
I still have 3 questions, 1 is what do you mean set the camera to “Render Camera”? Do you mean the Video Stream Sender’s Camera? if true I already did, if Canvas’ Event Camera, I will try it later too.
2 is I see it looks like the Camera’s Culling Mask is depend on what Canvas set, no matter it’s child set to another Layer, is that true?
3 is can URS send a transparent background? Now it just have a all-black background, I wanna know if it possible to set the background to transparent that I can use my image on Remote side.

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Thanks for reply, yes I’m using “World Space” Render Mode, but I need a 3D Model in front of the UI background, so I can’t set to “Screen Space - Camera”.

Oh, It’s a little bit special case than I thought.

I still have 3 questions, 1 is what do you mean set the camera to “Render Camera”? Do you mean the Video Stream Sender’s Camera?


2 is I see it looks like the Camera’s Culling Mask is depend on what Canvas set, no matter it’s child set to another Layer, is that true?

I checked it in my environment, but it works well. The culling mask works for the canvas.

3 is can URS send a transparent background? Now it just have a all-black background, I wanna know if it possible to set the background to transparent that I can use my image on Remote side.

It is impossible because video streaming can’t send alpha channel.

I’ve updated to exp.7 and need to check is that still happen.

So if I need a specific child not to show it I need to move it to another Canvas right?

I guess If I could do the transparent on remote’s RawImage by using shader to cut off all black background…

So if I need a specific child not to show it I need to move it to another Canvas right?

Right, I can’t imagine there are another option.

I guess If I could do the transparent on remote’s RawImage by using shader to cut off all black background…

In the past, another developer asked me the same question. I recommend you to see this post.

Thank you very much, I’ll try to figure it.:slight_smile: