Multi GPU Baking

Does Unity utilize multiple GPUs for light baking in a scene?

I am wondering if 2x1080ti extremes will make a difference instead of 1ā€¦

thank you

@ali_mohebali any thoughts on this one?

Let me check with the team and get back to you on this one

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Great thank you @ali_mohebali

Hey @James_Initus , thanks your patience. So currently, if you have two cards you can assign a dedicated GPU for the lightmapper. This would lessen the chance of GPULM running out of memory and falling back to CPU. A dedicated GPU will lower the memory pressure and makes sure GPULM wont compete with the editor rendering for compute resources. The details on how to assign a dedicated card for lightmapper is mentioned here: Unity - Manual: The Progressive GPU Lightmapper (preview)

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Are there any plans to support multi-gpu setups to increase the VRAM available? For instance, 24GB on a 3090 is barely enough for some scenes, I would like to run dual 3090ā€™s for baking.

If not, is the recommendation to move to a larger VRAM setup like an A6000 with 48gb VRAM?


Hi @celeronpm , may i know if this issue still persist for you? It is very concerning as iā€™m currently deciding on which laptop to buy that will meet the requirements for gpu lightmapper. Whether to go with one that has 6Gb vram or the other with 4Gb but supports thunderbolt that allows me to connect to an egpu.

I also came across another thread that gave me insight that the gpu lightmapper will make use of system ram when the gpu dedicated memory is maxed out.
May i know how much ram do you have for your scenario and is it also being maxed out?