Multi inheritance in Boo

Hey Guys, is there any way or alternative to inherit from multible classes?
Basically I want to have to classes, a player class and a character class, since a character can be also another player I want to inherit the player class from the character class.
Here’s my Code:

import UnityEngine

public class Character (MonoBehaviour): 

	health as single     = 100
	maxHealth as single  = 100
	stamina as single    = 100
	maxStamina as single = 100
	def kill():
	def respawn():
		health  = 100
		stamina = 100

import UnityEngine

public static class Player (MonoBehaviour, Character): 
	def Update():

The current error is "Assets/Scripts/Player/,44): BCE0001: The class ‘Player’ already has ‘UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour’ as its super class.

Thanks in advance!

No. This is not possible.

There are two plausible solutions. Your class can inherit from player, player can inherit from monobehaviour. Or you class can implement an interface.

If you derive your Player from the Character class the Player will also be a MonoBehaviour since the Character class os derived from MonoBevhaviour. So just derive your player from Character and you’ll be fine.

.NET / Mono only allow one base class per class, there’s no way around that.

Keep in mind that MonoBehaviour is also derived from Behaviour and Behaviour from Component and Component from UnityEngine.Object. So your complete class chain would look like this:

Player → Character → MonoBehaviour → Behaviour → Component → UnityEngine.Object → System.Object

I just reread your title. You said you want to use multi inheritance but what you actually need is simple inheritance, at least what we can understand from your description.