multi line label with different font?

Hi, I'm making a scene that tells a story using text. I'm using GUI.Label to do it. It worked perfectly fine until I changed the font to one I got from Now it just writes completely off the screen when it gets there, instead of going to the next line. Here's the script. (By the way, I adapted the typewriter script for this, because my game is like an rpg).

var letterPause = 0.01;
var Story : int = 1;
var words : String = "";
var fontStyle : GUIStyle;
private var word;

function Start () {
    if(Story == 1)
        word = "    Once upon a time, there was a man. This man was strong, cunning, and brave. His name was Elden Bremseth. Elden longed for adventure. When he turned 18, he went for it.";
    TypeText ();

function TypeText () {
    for (var letter in word.ToCharArray()) {
        words += letter;
        yield WaitForSeconds (letterPause);
function OnGUI()
    GUI.Label(Rect(5,0,Screen.width - 50,Screen.height),words,fontStyle);
    if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2,Screen.height - 100,150,100),"Continue to Game"))


Set the word wrap to true on the custom GUI Style