Multi-Object Editing not supported

I have just tried to script an editor script, and it just shows “multi-object editing not supported,” and nothing else.
the script:

#pragma strict


class PlayerEditor extends Editor{

var Speed: float = 0.0;
var SProp: SerializedProperty;

function OnEnable(){
	SProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("MSpeed");

function OnInspectorGUI(){
	Speed = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Speed, 1, 150);
		PBar(SProp / 100.0, Speed);

function PBar(val: float, label: String){
	var rect: Rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(18, 18, "Text Field");
	EditorGUI.ProgressBar(rect, val, label);


is here. any help would be much appreciated. thanks in advance

Hey LockonS.

This same question has been asked here: EditorGUILayout, Multi-object editing not supported - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

The solution for me however, was that the Editor script (the class that derives from editor, eg ‘extends Editor’) wasn’t in the Assets/Editor folder within the project.

Hopefully this helps.

