I encountered this bug while upgrading to the latest version of Unity 6.
We use Unity Render Streaming inside an educational VR app to let teachers observe student’s progress within the app.
Render Streaming requires the Stereo Render Mode inside the Oculus XR plugin to be set to Multi Pass, but when doing this and running the app on a Quest headset, we got a black screen.
I started debugging this, using a Render Streaming example project. Upgrading it to Unity 6 and setting the Render Mode to Multi Pass, and it worked.
I did notice that this project was using a different Universal Render Pipeline settings file than ours, so I started comparing settings within the two.
What I ultimately found was that as soon as I enabled HDR in the Quality settings of the URP asset in our project, the issue was resolved.
So, in short, When Stereo Render Mode is set to Multi Pass and HDR is off, I get a black screen in my headset. When HDR is enabled, it works fine.
I assume this is a bug? Or is there something else technical that I’m missing?