multi platform jump (like doodle jump)

i have this game that i’m working on it’s a lot like doodle jump , the problem im having is that i have one platform to jump on and i have no idea how to add more plat forms, my platform can only load from one prefab. i would like to add more prefabs so i can have different typs of platform when my player jumps on them and i would like them to load randomly my platform loads randomly but only that one plat form i just want to load more plat forms.

610360–21709–$Untitled.doc (6.46 KB)

// gameController.js
// the gameController is the center of the game - it’s where all the other scripts meet and chat
// as well as the main script where scores are made and stored and all of the games main objects
// get created

public var playerPrefab : GameObject;
public var platformPrefab : GameObject;
public var platformePrefab : GameObject;
public var backgroundGFX : GameObject;
public var getReadyMessage : GameObject;
public var goMessage : GameObject;
public var platformParticles : GameObject;
public var gameOverMenu : gameover_GUI;
public var scoreUIobj : GUIText;
public var numberOfPlatforms : int = 4;

public var enableBackgroundScrolling : boolean = true;

// ********************************************************************* IMPORTANT!

// all other scripts get their cue from this number. if you don’t change it here, the platforms won’t reach
// the edges and the player won’t either!

public var gameWidth : float = 3.12;

// *********************************************************************

private var startPosition : Vector3 = Vector3(0,-3.211473,0);

private var gameScore : int;
private var playerGO : GameObject;
private var theCam : SmoothFollow;

private var platParent : Transform;
private var platPos : Vector3;

private var GOsToClear : ArrayList;

function Start () {



function LateUpdate () {

// we scroll the texture on the background based on the height of the camera, so that it looks as
// though we’re moving up through the stars
backgroundGFX.renderer.material.SetTextureOffset (“_MainTex”, Vector2 (0.0, theCam.transform.position.y*0.005) );


function showGoMessage() {

// displays the ‘GO!’ message at the start of the game

// move our camera out from the player


function startGame() {

// tell our player it can now move

// hide the ‘go!’ message


function initGame() {

// prepare an arrayList to store references to our platforms in. we do this so that when the
// game ends we have a list of objects to destroy so that we can restart the game without
// having to reload the scene
GOsToClear=new ArrayList();

// Start is called automatically by the engine. Here, we do our init for the game

// find our camera script (SmoothFollow.js)
theCam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(SmoothFollow);

// tell our camera script to follow our player

// set our camera distance from the player to be close up at the start of the game

// hide any messages and our game over menu

// hide our game over menu

// schedule calls to swap the GET READY message for a GO message and to start the game in 2.5 secs

// and zero our score at the start of the game, of course

scoreUIobj.text=“SCORE 0”;


function restartGame() {

// clear out the models we no longer need
for(var i = 0; i<GOsToClear.Count; i++){

  • }*
  • // everything to start a game happens in initGame()*
  • initGame();*

function createPlayer (aStartPos : Vector3) {

  • // we use instantiate to ‘create’ an instance of our player prefab at the start position passed in*

  • // to this function, then we name it ‘player’*

  • playerGO=Instantiate(playerPrefab,aStartPos,Quaternion.identity);*


  • // add our player gameObject to the arraylist containing objects to be cleared when resetting the game*

  • GOsToClear.Add(playerGO);*
    function createPlatforms ()

  • platParent = GameObject.Find(“Platforms”).transform;*

  • // here we will instantiate a bunch of platforms and place them at random x positions*

  • for(var i = -1; i<numberOfPlatforms; i++){*

  • // choose some random positioning for the platform*
    _ platPos=new Vector3(Random.Range(-3,3),Random.Range(i4,(i4)+2),0);_

  • // instantiate the platform*

  • aPlat = Instantiate(platformPrefab,platPos,Quaternion.identity);*

  • aPlat = Instantiate(platformePrefab,platPos,Quaternion.identity);*

  • // name our platform ‘Platform’ and its ID number*


  • // make the platform a child of our ‘Platforms’ empty GameObject, just to be neat really*

  • aPlat.transform.parent=platParent;*

  • // now tell the platform who our player is, so that it can track the distance from itself and the*

  • // player and respawn above the player once it gets out of range. That way, we create an infinate*

  • // player field going forever up and up…*

  • aPlat.SendMessage(“SetPlayer”,playerGO);*

  • // add a reference to our arraylist to be cleared out when resetting the game*

  • GOsToClear.Add(aPlat);*

  • }*

function addScore(amount : int) {

  • // our platform objects call here when the player jumps on them for the first time. the platforms*
  • // can pass any score amount in and it will be added to the players score*
  • gameScore+=amount;*
  • scoreUIobj.text="SCORE "+gameScore.ToString();*

function endGame() {

  • // store the games final score in a prefs file, so that we can switch scenes and pick it up to*
  • // display on the ‘game over’ screen.*
  • PlayerPrefs.SetInt(“finalScore”,gameScore);*
  • // set a variable so that we can easily tell when the game is over*
  • gameOver=true;*
  • // tell the player to lock down movement etc., as the game is ending*
  • playerGO.SendMessage(“gameEnd”);*
  • // schedule the game over menu to appear 3 seconds from now *
  • Invoke(“gotoGameOver”,3);*

function gotoGameOver(){

  • gameOverMenu.enabled=true;*
    function doParticles(pType : int, aPos : Vector3){

  • switch(pType){*

  • case 1:*

  • Instantiate(platformParticles,aPos,Quaternion.identity);*

  • break;*

  • }*


function createPlatforms ()

platParent = GameObject.Find(“Platforms”).transform;

// here we will instantiate a bunch of platforms and place them at random x positions
for(var i = -1; i<numberOfPlatforms; i++){
// choose some random positioning for the platform
platPos=new Vector3(Random.Range(-3,3),Random.Range(i4,(i4)+2),0);
// instantiate the platform
aPlat = Instantiate(platformPrefab,platPos,Quaternion.identity);
aPlat = Instantiate(platformePrefab,platPos,Quaternion.identity);
// name our platform ‘Platform’ and its ID number“Platform”+i;
// make the platform a child of our ‘Platforms’ empty GameObject, just to be neat really
// now tell the platform who our player is, so that it can track the distance from itself and the
// player and respawn above the player once it gets out of range. That way, we create an infinate
// player field going forever up and up…
// add a reference to our arraylist to be cleared out when resetting the game



that is how it looks like, just really don’t know how to add the other platform . please help.

Simply instantiate prefabs of it above where the camera is, and delete ones below it. Instantiate with a random Y value between lets say 1 and 2(varying height) and random X of 0-3. Something like that

yes i have done that as you can see in the code but only one prefab can be read.

function createPlatforms ()

platParent = GameObject.Find(“Platforms”).transform;

// here we will instantiate a bunch of platforms and place them at random x positions
for(var i = -1; i<numberOfPlatforms; i++){
// choose some random positioning for the platform
platPos=new Vector3(Random.Range(-3,3),Random.Range(i4,(i4)+2),0);
// instantiate the platform
aPlat = Instantiate(platformPrefab,platPos,Quaternion.identity);
aPlat = Instantiate(platformePrefab,platPos,Quaternion.identity);
// name our platform ‘Platform’ and its ID number“Platform”+i;
// make the platform a child of our ‘Platforms’ empty GameObject, just to be neat really
// now tell the platform who our player is, so that it can track the distance from itself and the
// player and respawn above the player once it gets out of range. That way, we create an infinate
// player field going forever up and up…
// add a reference to our arraylist to be cleared out when resetting the game



when i add other fabs just doesn’t work and only reads one of the prefabs, sometimes reads the other prefab but only one works. is there any other code that i can put it to change it up ?

because i want more that one model of in there (more than one prefab)