Multi-window Applications in Unity

Hey fellas,

I’m wondering if it is possible to have more than one game window open in Unity. I’m keen to build a Mechwarrior-like arcade game that implements multiple monitors; a front view and two ‘peripheral’ views to the left and right.

I wish to have the left and right views out of the cockpit displayed in separate windows from the main game window so that they may be fitted to the auxiliary monitors.

Barring this, is there any way I may be able to achieve the same effect? I suppose I could craft one gigantic game window with multiple cameras projected onto planes fitted within it… which seems kinda ghetto but if it comes to that, I will.

Thanks so much!

You could probably do this with Unity’s built in networking. The front facing screen could be your “server”, and you could have a connected client for each side window. Each client would simply be a camera looking out onto the same world as the “server-screen”, just from a different angle.