I’m trying to construct shopping system with UI Toolkit.
While I used ListView to display item list, I noticed MultiColumnListView is better for more detailed infomation.
So I have just replaced ListView to MultiColumnListView, then result is great like this!
But it causes a problem on Focus().
Without Focus(), user is required one more control to start selection in item list.
It’s just little irritating, so I use Focus() method for smooth navigation.
ListView.Focus() works well for this.
This is my simplified method to open shopping window.
Even though _itemListView was originally ListView, be replaced to MultiColumnListView.
public void OpenShop(ShopData shopData)
_isShopMode = true;
_shopWindow.style.display = DisplayStyle.Flex;
_targetShopData = shopData;
_itemListView.itemsSource = _targetShopData.Items;
This doesn’t work correctly on focusing. (Again, ListView.Focus() does work correctly.)
Console out this.
Then I came up with a solution, it’s to use Focus() on UnityContentContainer in hierarchy of MultiColumnListView. (Its ID is “unity-content-container”)
// Instead of MultiColumnListView.Focus()
This has resolved my problem. But console out this.
This is same to MultiColumnListView.Focus().
This behavior is what is intended?
In my opinion, it doesn’t seems to be working.