Multidimensional array of structs

I’m trying to use a multidimensional array of structs in C#. After some time I have managed to write a single row array without fixed length. The code is as follows:

public GameObject block;
public GameObject emptySpace;

public struct cell {
    public int cellRotation;
    public GameObject cellBlock;

    public cell(int r, GameObject b){
        cellRotation = r;
        cellBlock = b;

void Start () {
    cell[] map = {
	    new cell(90, block), new cell(180, emptySpace), new cell(270, block)

I can access the structs’ properties easily by doing something like map[0].cellRotation

My question is, how can I define a new multidimensional array of structs of fixed length (say [2,3]) and how could I access it later on? Every single thing I’ve tried returns an error.


C# documentation about multidimensional arrays: Multidimensional Arrays (C# Programming Guide) | Microsoft Learn

Finally got it to work. I’m sorry for wasting your time. In case anyone else encounters a similar problem it looks like this:

cell[,] map = new cell[2, 3]{
    {new cell(90, block), new cell(180, emptySpace), new cell(270, block)},
    {new cell(90, emptySpace), new cell(180, block), new cell(270, emptySpace)}

You would have had to set the struct with the constructor inside first.

Thanks everyone