Hello all! Currently I am wrapping my head about proper data storing implementation for my pathfinding system. Problem description following.
- I have a level split to X amount of parts
- every part has Y amount of paths
- each path has Z amount of waypoints
- every waypoint is an Entity with IComponentData attached:
public struct Waypoint : IComponentData
public int MapPartIndex;
public int PathIndex;
public int WaypointIndex;
public int NumOfAgentsOnWaypoint;
public bool IsBlockedByObstacle;
// use links to neighbour waypoints for path navigation
public Entity PreviousWaypoint;
public Entity NextWaypoint;
- X,Y,Z numbers vary from each other, there is no exact defined lenght (just needs to be greater than 0), but average values will be around 3 level parts, 15 paths on one part, 15 waypoints on each path
- each agent has one path assigned, going through path waypoints
- I want to constantly monitor what is happening around each waypoint and update NumOfAgentsOnWaypoint and IsBlockedByObstacle properties accordingly - this will be monitored through trigger colliders assigned to each waypoint
- if there are too many agents or the waypoint is blocked, agent chooses another path
- I want to be able to access level paths data as fast as possible from various systems, ideally in parallel
- typical usage will be spawner which throws random levelPart/path/waypoint indexes and I need to check whether chosen waypoint is eligible for spawn and eventually look on the next waypoints on the path to see how the path looks in general
- or another usage: agent finds that next waypoint on its path is blocked → so let’s look on other available paths → In that case I will do sphereCast around the agent to find nearby waypoints and traverse the path it belongs to to see how it looks
- what would be the ideal solution of these paths data interpretation in ECS? In usual OO paradigm I would just do 3-dimensional array and access entity by [levelPartIndex] [pathIndex] [waypointIndex], I can do this by using nested UnsafeLists here, but if I got it right this won’t be eligible for parallel writing
- I am able to create 3-dimensional blob asset array, but saving Entity references to BlobAsset is not really recommended, am I right?
- so far the solution which makes the most sense would be to use NativeParallelHashMap<string, Entity> on singleton component, where I would be creating each key by concatening all the indexes, although I am not very satisfied with the need to do this operation in every single access to the map (although performance implication will be minimal I guess?)
Thanks in advance for your thoughs, I am looking forward to see what experience DOTS deveopers do in cases similar to mine!