MultiOnline package help!!

Hi guys,

I downloaded MultiOnline package to make my game multiplayer. I have watched the videos and done the tutorials. Ive uploaded everything necessary on FTP. When you get to the stage where you have to click on install.php ,this menu is supposed to come up to fill in all the boxes, which ive got all the information for but all this it openes up in code format! SEe below, how do I get past this?? Thanks!

This code appears when you click on install.php in the above picture.

<?php $successData = false; $successCreate = false; if(isset($_POST['submitData'])){ if(!empty($_POST['mysqlHost']) && !empty($_POST['dataBase']) && !empty($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['pass'])) { $fp = fopen ('functions/logData.php', 'w'); $content = '<?php '; $content.= '$logUser = \''.$_POST['name'].'\';'; $content.= '$logPass = \''.$_POST['pass'].'\';'; $content.= '$logHost = \''.$_POST['mysqlHost'].'\';'; $content.= '$logDbName = \''.$_POST['dataBase'].'\';'; $content.= '?>';

fwrite($fp, $content);
$message = ‘Your database login data are well saved.’;
$successData = true;
} else {
message = 'Please, fill all the fields'; } } elseif (isset(_POST[‘submitCreate’])){
include ‘functions/functions.php’;
$db = new MODb($logUser, $logPass, $logHost, $logDbName);
$file = ‘dataBase.sql’;
$content = fread(fopen($file, ‘r’), filesize($file));
//echo $db->getError;
$message = ‘Your database have been created, the installation is complete.’;
$message2= ’
Now, delete this page of your web server (you can keep a copy locally to be able to change the data later).';
$successCreate = true;

MultiOnline installation body { font-family:"arial"; margin: 50px; } h1 { color: #0080FF; } div { border-width: 3px; border-style: solid ; border-color: #D8D8D8; padding: 30px; }

MultiOnline installation

<?php echo $message; ?>
<?php if($successCreate){ echo $message2;} elseif ($successData) { ?>
<?php } else { ?>
MYSQL host:
Database name:
User name:
<?php } ?>

Those are basically scripts you can from within your game to talk to a database. You have to have some understanding of the database (MariaDB, Postgres, MySQL whatever) or you’re probably not going to get anywhere.

Is PHP installed on your webserver?