When trying to initialize the server,
I occasionally get those errors, then the server crashes:
[Wire]: Could not get subscription with channel[server#45456644] from subscription repository!
[Wire]: Could not get direct subscription channel[ ] Defaulting to first subscription!
The Wire server is sending publications related to an unknown channel.
Full logs are attached.
Those are called when calling the MultiplayService.Instance.SubscribeToServerEventsAsync().
Does someone have a possible solution for this?
There are literally no reproduction steps, it just happens sometimes, sometimes not. Looks totally random.
Thanks in advance,
Same here!
I think it shouldn’t be Random. i’ll try to explore on the timings of the operations because probably it’s related to try to subscribe to something that isn’t ready yet…
Good day both,
We’ve been working on investigating the root cause of this one internally but it has been tough for SDK engineers to reliably reproduce also. It is believed that this issue likely lies within the Embedded Wire package version that is provided as part of the pre 7 release of our SDK.
A custom package has been created for this which I recall Omer has tried with some success should you like to try it SuperBytes.
Would you be willing to add it to your game to see if that helps somewhat?
Engineers provided this information to help with manual integration of the package:
Attached is a modified version of 1.0.0-pre.8 with EmbedWire updated to use code from Wire version 1.1.4 .
The customer can load this package tarball with the instructions from here (they should remove any other Multiplay SDK versions first).
Due to Forum limitations around file extension names please firstly download the zip file and extract it to get the file com.unity.services.multiplay-1.0.0-EmbedWireUpdated.tgz before following the above instructions.
Additionally, if you’re uncomfortable downloading files via our forum please submit a support ticket to us via support.unity.com and I will be happy to provide files there.
8958936–1230672–com.unity.services.multiplay-1.0.0-EmbedWireUpdated.tgz.zip (430 KB)