Multiplay Hosting with Matchmaker


I tired to setup Multiplay Hosting with Matchmaker that hosted only serverside.

In my head, the setup should work like the following: On the UI, there is a Play button, then it starts finding a match. When a match found, then spawn my player on the scene. I am using Netcode for Entities, Multiplay Hosting, and Matchmaker. I followed the tutorials, but if I deploy the project to the Multiplay Hosting, I got an error that says: SessionException: Assignment failed.

Does anybody have a simple showcase project that shows the behavior that I described above?
I don’t know what I messed up, and cant find an answer in the docs.

Edit: I don’t want a client hosted solution, I want the host only on server side, without any join code.

Hi !
Can you send me a example of ticket id you are seeing that issue with ?
Can you also make sure you have at least one region online with a max number of servers above 0 in multiplay ?


Since I wrote the post, I changed a lot of things, but I am still unable to make any progress.
Let me share my experience with you.
So as I described above, I’d like to achieve the following: A simple button on the UI that says Play. when the player press Play, it should spawn a player ( a simple sphere, or cube ) to the map ( A simple plane ).

First of all, I followed this documentation:
I added the packages, and scripts described here. Then,
I went to this page:

But it does not talk about any prerequisite. I just used the code described there.

I am trying to find a tutorial that uses this new Multiplayer SDK, but I am unable to find one.

We are working on providing a template soon. We will let you know when it is available.

On the other hand, I could help if you provided me in private messages with a ticket id that is failing, or your project id.

we now have a template available Competitive Action Multiplayer Template now released! [Netcode for Entities]