Hi folks.
I’am getting “MultiplayAllocationError: request error: maximum capacity reached (1) (request-id: 84be54c8…)” Also, the “request-id” in the error is same for both clients.
The scenario is as follows:
2 players created tickets, then they were assigned to the same server and the server status was changed to allocated.
After closing these clients, try to connect again (also the allocated server status has not changed, this is another situation, but I do nothing to shut down this server.), but when these two clients or new clients create a new ticket and try to connect, they always get this error.
Why aren’t new players assigned to “available servers” when they create tickets?
I have 10 server instances and one of them is “Allocated” and the others’ status are “Available”.
Also pool’s rule is here:
"Name": "First-Match-definition",
"MatchDefinition": {
"Teams": [
"Name": "Team-1",
"TeamCount": {
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1
"PlayerCount": {
"Min": 2,
"Max": 2,
"Relaxations": []
"TeamRules": []
"MatchRules": []
"BackfillEnabled": false
I searched the error then I got this source.
When polling for a ticket status, I get a “Max Capacity Reached” error.
If I’m not wrong the “Maximum available servers” can be increase automatically when clients create tickets. Doesn’t it?
Or should client sent some additional data when they create tickets?
Also If I set “Maximum available servers” to 10 then If all servers are allocated in one metal machine, is any other metal machine will be using for new 10 servers?
After some tests and researches I figured out some things but there are some things still I can’t understand.
Fleet => Scaling settings => “Maximum available servers” If I increase this number I don’t see the “maximum capacity reached” error.
But the documentation says:
The maximum servers scaling setting controls the maximum number of available servers in a region at a time. It doesn’t set an upper bound on the total number of servers in a region.
Regarding this documentation, If I try to connect server and when there isn’t any available servers in the server list and when the reach “Maximum available servers” count , I get same error every time.
The question is: How to increase server limit automatically?
Also my fleet scaling settings like this:
Europe min:0 max:4 online
North America min:0 max:4 online
But the machines only allocate on the North America region.