MultiplayAssignment returns ip of "" to client

Hey guys,

i have a problem where the MultiplayAssignment that i get from the Matchmaker returns an ip of “”.
It always works fine for the first client that connects to the server. So the part where the first client gets a result from matchmaker, a server spins up and the client connects to that server works fine. But every subsequent client fails to connect because they receive the wrong ip.

This is the part of the code where I log the ip:

     TicketStatusResponse checkTicket = await MatchmakerService.Instance.GetTicketAsync(lastUsedTicket);
                    if (checkTicket.Type == typeof(MultiplayAssignment))
                        MultiplayAssignment matchAssignment = (MultiplayAssignment)checkTicket.Value;
                        Debug.Log("MultiplayAssigment ip: " + matchAssignment.Ip + " / port: " + matchAssignment.Port);

If somebody has an idea i would be very grateful, thank you!


Hello, are you using backfilling to add more players to the server ? If so it could be that the backfill ticket created does not contain the right IP address.

Also I see you are using the matchmaker directly, we now suggest to use the new multiplayer services SDK that handles the backfilling logic.
See the documentation Matchmaking into a session and Multiplay Hosting support