Hi evereyone!
I want to create a multiplayer game were you can hurt other gamers…
I started from the network example of unity, I can punch but I am not able to hurt other players…
I added a ThirdPersonCharacterAttack, ThirdPersonStatus, GameHUD, taken from the 3rd Person Tutorial, then I modified them to make them work.
I changed the ApplyDamage in ThirdPersonStatus adding “@RPC”, then I call
Very hard to say…but I guess it could be something like this:
You call the RPC successfully on all players, the the attack/hurt code can only be called on the local player, and therefore never works on other players. If this is the case, check of the hurt code is enabled on 3th parties.
How did your deathmatch go? You should try using straight sockets, as its very simple and efficient to create a realtime deathmatch synced under 64 bytes per player, 10-15 times per frame. UDP will handle this incredibly fast.