I can get a base multiplayer game down, with shooting, sprint, jumping, and health.
I just can’t seem to get a weapon select system, or anything similar to that.
I want to make a multiplayer game similar to Battlefield 3/4.
I want:
a) Class system, with primary/secondary weapons.
b)Purchasing weapons with in-game credits, and using them.
c) Weapon switching with Number(1,2,3,4,ETC) AND scrollwheel.
d)aiming, and crouching
e) Different maps that is voted on by player; map with most votes win, and match starts up/loads/whatever
I just don’t know how I could go about doing this.
I have searched google, so don’t waste time going to lmgtfy.com.
The most important thing I would like though is the gun system. I can’t find a tutorial on it. It just frusterates me so much.
TLDR; I need help with a gun system(including classes), crouching, and map voting
Thanks anyone who even dares to help, me, I know this is alot.