Multiplayer Help

How could i have a simple multiplayer where players have host a game to play (note i have tested with all the multiplayer examples but nothing fit also i cant afford any money ) i want something like this:

[Start new game]
[Join existing game]
game 1
game 2
game 3

Well, most network tutorials do this…

The only way to “list” available games is to use a masterserver which tells you which games are available. Unity provides a masterserver which you can use, but it’s not very reliable since it’s main purpose is for testing. Usually you should host your own masterserver when your game is done / published (which probably will cost money).

Beside the masterserver you also need the facilitator which handles the NAT punch through for people behind a NAT router. Both, masterserver and facilitator are part of the masterserver build.

Networking isn’t super complicated, but it’s still an advanced topic, so make sure you read some tutorials and try to understand how it works since we can’t explain everything from the beginning here.