Multiplayer Issues

Hello! So I’ve been struggling for a week with a couple issues which I simply cannot be able to solve. Maybe they are all quite simple, but I’m jumping from one to another without stopping long enough to figure them out. Dunno.

So I’ve a character select screen that works with 1-4 characters. Once everyone has already selected their desired option, a new scene loads and each one of them gets their info from a scriptable object. Thats great.

However, I simply cannot seem to allow players to switch their controller once any scene has loaded. I have to manually select it into each one’s Player Input, and as I read, auto-switch won’t work as long as there’s more than one player input in the scene. I’ve read the docs, as well as several posts(here, reddit, other forums, github, etc) and most solutions won’t work because they are from months ago and code seems to be outdated (for example, PlayerInput.Instantiate doesn’t seem to be accesible). So player1 isn’t able to switch from keyboard to controller.

I’d love if any of you could point me in the right direction. Most of my problems would get solved by simply being able to manually switch scheme controls from the code, but I swear, I’m not able to. So far I’m loving this input system, but I still need to learn a lot of it. Thanks for your work and your help :slight_smile:

Bump! Please, I really need help here :frowning: