Multiplayer on iphone

i´d like to do something multiplayer but am not informed at all yet about what´s possible on that end with unity iphone and the iphone in general.
Is there a way to do local multiplayer (connected n devices directly) of some sort
or is that generally not possible unless one uses 3.0 sdk?
If so,what other options are there for doing mp stuff with unity iphone?

The Advanced version of Unity iPhone lets you use .NET sockets for multiplayer. I have used .NET sockets in Unity for making connections to a custom game server but not any local connections.

If your players were on the same wi-fi network, you may be able to leverage some of the broadcast type communication with .NET sockets to play locally. Otherwise I think you would have to take advantage of iPhone SDK support for local networking.

i see,thanks for the info :slight_smile:
Well,i´m most interested in local mp not relying on wifi really cause i´d like people to be able to play anywhere. Hm, seems like that´s no option right now without using sdk 3.0, right?

iPhone OS 2.x requires a wireless router inbetween for connections

ay,ok, thanks, was worried about that but not fully sure whether there´s an option around that already :frowning: