Helle everyone,
Lately I’ve started working on creating an online game with unity using mirror. I found out that the demo’s I created were only local. The only solution that I found for online multiplayer with mirror was port forwarding however I’d prefer something more built in. The multiplayer I had in mind is the multiplayer from the game terraria where people can host and join games without having to set anyting up except for installing the game (this might be through steam servers though).
Can anyone help me out?
Pretty much everyone on the Internet is behind a NAT enabled router. So if you want the players to host the game you need a server to handle match making, and to facilitate connecting the players you need a server for NAT punch through and/or to act as a relay.
I don’t know which if any of those features are already built into Mirror, but even if not turn key you can certainly create them yourself with Mirror. You might ask @mischa2k or check the documentation and examples.
Thank you so much, this is most certainly usefull!