Multiplayer Play Mode doesn't work with specific packages

Hello, I installed an asset store package (A* pro) and after installing it the MPPM tool doesn’t work anymore. When I try to activate one more player, I have the “activating…” text in loop (even if I wait 1 hour) with timeouts in console.

I tried to create a project from scratch, it worked again. So I checked all the dependencies used by A* pro, and it seems that the following package break MPPM : com.unity.entities version 1.0.0-pre.65

I tried this on 2023.1.0b11 beta and also b10 and b9.

How to reproduce:

  • create urp project from scratch
  • install com.unity.entities version 1.0.0-pre.65
  • try to start a second player in MPPM


Hi ,
Thanks for reporting this issue, we are looking into it.

Hi there! We are seeing some package compatibility issues with MPPM right now, specifically with the entities package, but we’re also going to ensure it’s not hidden elsewhere too. This is likely what you are running into - indefinite loading of the player window.