Multiplayer Play Mode get player id


Is there a way to get the virtual player Id (1-4) when using Multiplayer Play Mode?

Looks like Unity.Multiplayer.Playmode.CurrentPlayer doesn’t have any API for that. I noticed the code in Unity.Multiplayer.Playmode.VirtualProjects.Editor.VirtualProjectsEditor (which is only internal) and I could reimplement it, but I’m wondering if I’m missing something obvious that would avoid that.

My scenario: I want so name each character in my game with their virtual ID so I can distinguish them on the screen easily.


So for example

In my game my server reports

          NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback += (clientId) =>
               Debug.Log($"Client {clientId} has connected to the server");
           NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += (clientId) =>
               Debug.Log($"Client {clientId} has disconnected from the server");

You could assign the clientid to something, such as name "Player "+clientID, its not perfect but it makes them have unique names at least


I should have mentioned that we’re not using Unity’s Netcode so using NetworkManager is probably not an option for us. We just use Multiplayer Play Mode as a replacement for ParrelSync.

I ended up duplicating some code in Unity to make it work:

        private static string GetPlayerIDForPlayMode()
            // The code is a duplicate of the code that's not public in Unity:
            // com.unity.multiplayer.playmode\VirtualProjects\Editor\Config\CommandLineParameters.cs

            const string vpIdArg = "-vpId";

            var args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            foreach (var arg in args)
                if (arg.StartsWith(vpIdArg))
                    return arg.Replace($"{vpIdArg}=", string.Empty);

            return string.Empty;

but I still feel that something like this should be a first class feature of CurrentPlayer #my2c