Hi there everyone, I’m using Unity 6 and working on a TPS game using dedicated server from Unity. The issue is I’m trying to use Multiplayer Play Mode for working simultaneously with 2 clients for testing purposes but the moment I start playing the editor, the second client editor window shuts down appearing with a popup “Editor was shutdown, do you want to restart that client?”. Does anyone have a workaround for this, otherwise it’d so hectic to test my game on different devices…
I’m guessing you just started with this, so the best advice is to ensure you have the latest packages of everything installed, including the latest Unity 6.0 version. If is still crashes, try deleting the Library folder (project closed) and try again.
Also check editor.log for possible details related to the crash.
It works for normal offline scenes, but when I turn play mode in the scene where I’m initializaing Unity services and LobbyServices, the 2nd client just shuts down.