Multiplayer Using Fishnet : Player is not spawning

Hey everyone,

I’m new to networking and could use some guidance. I’ve developed a horror puzzle game with a co-op mode, but it’s only available in offline mode right now, where each player spawns in a different map without any network functionality.

I recently decided to add online multiplayer via Steam, so I purchased the Heathen Steamworks Toolkit and am using FishNet as the networking solution. I followed tutorials and successfully created a lobby system. However, I’m stuck on how to spawn players when the host starts the game.

I’ve already attached a network object to the player prefab and set up the network manager with player spawn points, but I can’t figure out how to get players to spawn when the game starts. Any advice or steps I might be missing? Thanks in advance!
Note: My game is depending on Horror FPS kit so the player script is kinda complicated.
The player script:

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using ThunderWire.Utility;
using ThunderWire.Helpers;
using ThunderWire.Input;
using HFPS.Systems;

namespace HFPS.Player
    /// <summary>
    /// Main HFPS Player Movement Script
    /// </summary>
    [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterController), typeof(HealthManager), typeof(FootstepsController))]
    public class PlayerController : Singleton<PlayerController>
        public enum CharacterState { Stand, Crouch, Prone }
        public enum MovementState { Normal, Ladder }

        #region Structures
        public sealed class BasicSettings
            public float walkSpeed = 3;
            public float runSpeed = 7;
            public float crouchSpeed = 2;
            public float proneSpeed = 1;
            public float inWaterSpeed = 2;
            public float climbSpeed = 1.5f;
            public float pushSpeed = 2;
            public float jumpHeight = 7;
            public float waterJumpHeight = 5;
            public float stateChangeSpeed = 3f;
            public float runTransitionSpeed = 8f;

        public sealed class ControllerFeatures
            public bool enableJump = true;
            public bool enableRun = true;
            public bool enableCrouch = true;
            public bool enableProne = true;
            public bool enableSliding = false;
            public bool airControl = false;
            public bool enableFly = false;
            public bool enableWallRicochet = true;
            public bool enableStamina = false;
            public bool enableJumpSounds = false;

        public sealed class ControllerSettings
            public float baseGravity = 24;
            public float inputSmoothing = 3f;
            public float minFallDistance = 0.5f;
            public float fallDamageMultiplier = 5.0f;
            public float standFallTreshold = 8;
            public float crouchFallTreshold = 4;
            public float consoleToProneTime = 0.5f;
            public float wallRicochetCap = 0.2f;

        public sealed class SlidingSettings
            public float slideRayLength = 1f;
            public float sphereCastRadius = 0.2f;
            public float maxSlideSpeed = 20f;
            public float slideFriction = 2f;
            public float slideSpeedIncrease = 5f;
            public float maxAdditionalFriction = 1f;
            public float additionalFrictionSpeed = 100f;
            public float slideControlMultiplier = 1f;
            public bool slideControl = true;

        public sealed class PlayerStamina
            public float playerMaxStamina = 1f;
            public float staminaRegenSpeed = 1f;
            public float runExhaustionSpeed = 1f;
            public float jumpExhaustion = 1f;
            public float waterJumpExhaustion = 1f;
            public float regenerateAfter = 2f;
            public bool autoRegenerate = true;

        public sealed class ControllerAutoMove
            public float globalAutoMove = 10f;
            public float climbUpAutoMove = 15f;
            public float climbDownAutoMove = 10f;
            public float climbFinishAutoMove = 10f;
            public float globalAutoLook = 3f;
            public float climbUpAutoLook = 3f;
            public float climbDownAutoLook = 3f;

        public sealed class ControllerAdjustments
            public float normalHeight = 2.0f;
            public float crouchHeight = 1.4f;
            public float proneHeight = 0.6f;
            public float camNormalHeight = 0.9f;
            public float camCrouchHeight = 0.2f;
            public float camProneHeight = -0.4f;
            public Vector3 normalCenter =;
            public Vector3 crouchCenter = new Vector3(0, -0.3f, 0);
            public Vector3 proneCenter = new Vector3(0, -0.7f, 0);

        public sealed class CameraHeadBob
            public Animation cameraAnimations;
            public string cameraIdle = "CameraIdle";
            public string cameraWalk = "CameraWalk";
            public string cameraRun = "CameraRun";
            [Range(0, 5)] public float walkAnimSpeed = 1f;
            [Range(0, 5)] public float runAnimSpeed = 1f;

        public sealed class ArmsHeadBob
            public Animation armsAnimations;
            public string armsIdle = "ArmsIdle";
            public string armsBreath = "ArmsBreath";
            public string armsWalk = "ArmsWalk";
            public string armsRun = "ArmsRun";
            [Range(0, 5)] public float walkAnimSpeed = 1f;
            [Range(0, 5)] public float runAnimSpeed = 1f;
            [Range(0, 5)] public float breathAnimSpeed = 1f;

        #region Public Variables
        [ReadOnly] public CharacterState characterState = CharacterState.Stand;
        [ReadOnly] public MovementState movementState = MovementState.Normal;

        private CharacterController m_characterControl;
        public CharacterController CharacterControl
                if (!m_characterControl)
                    return m_characterControl = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

                return m_characterControl;

        // references
        public StabilizeKickback baseKickback;
        public StabilizeKickback weaponKickback;
        public Transform mouseLook;
        public ParticleSystem waterParticles;

        // layers
        public LayerMask surfaceCheckMask;
        public LayerMask slidingMask;

        // ground settings
        public float groundCheckOffset;
        public float groundCheckRadius;

        // controller main
        public BasicSettings basicSettings = new BasicSettings();
        public ControllerFeatures controllerFeatures = new ControllerFeatures();
        public ControllerSettings controllerSettings = new ControllerSettings();
        public SlidingSettings slidingSettings = new SlidingSettings();
        public PlayerStamina staminaSettings = new PlayerStamina();
        public ControllerAutoMove autoMoveSettings = new ControllerAutoMove();
        public ControllerAdjustments controllerAdjustments = new ControllerAdjustments();

        // head bob
        public CameraHeadBob cameraHeadBob = new CameraHeadBob();
        public ArmsHeadBob armsHeadBob = new ArmsHeadBob();

        // sounds
        public AudioClip[] jumpSounds;
        public float jumpVolume = 1f;

        #region Input
        private bool JumpPressed;
        private bool RunPressed;
        private bool CrouchPressed;
        private bool PronePressed;
        private bool ZoomPressed;

        public float inputX;
        public float inputY;
        public Vector2 inputMovement;

        private bool proneTimeStart;
        private float proneTime;
        private bool inProne;

        protected RandomHelper random = new RandomHelper();

        #region Hidden Variables
        [HideInInspector] public bool ladderReady;
        [HideInInspector] public bool isControllable;
        [HideInInspector] public bool isRunning;
        [HideInInspector] public bool isInWater;
        [HideInInspector] public bool sliding;
        [HideInInspector] public bool shakeCamera;
        [HideInInspector] public bool steadyArms;
        [HideInInspector] public float velMagnitude;
        [HideInInspector] public float movementSpeed;

        #region Private Variables
        protected Timekeeper timekeeper = new Timekeeper();
        private (string, string) ExitLadder = ("GameUI.ExitLadder", "Exit Ladder");

        private HFPS_GameManager gameManager;
        private ScriptManager scriptManager;
        private ItemSwitcher itemSwitcher;
        private HealthManager healthManager;
        private FootstepsController footsteps;
        private InputHandler.Device inputDevice = InputHandler.Device.None;

        private Vector3 moveDirection =;
        private Vector3 slideDirection =;
        private Vector3 currPosition;
        private Vector3 lastPosition;
        private Vector3 slopeNormal;

        private bool flyControl;
        private Vector3 flyDirection;
        private Vector3 flyModifier;

        private readonly float antiBumpFactor = .75f;
        private readonly float spamWaitTime = 0.5f;

        private float gravity;
        private float slideAngleLimit;

        private float fallDamageThreshold;
        private float fallDistance;
        private float highestPoint;

        private float currentStamina;
        private float staminaRegenWait;

        private bool antiSpam;
        private bool isGrounded;
        private bool isSliding;
        private bool isFalling;
        private bool isFoamRemoved;
        private bool isStaminaShown;
        private bool isPauseMenu;
        private bool onLadder;
        private bool wallRicochet;

        private Ladder ladder;
        private Vector3 ladderExit;

        private ControllerColliderHit colliderHit;
        private ParticleSystem foamParticles;
        public bool useCustomSpeed;
        public float customSpeed;
        public bool lockMovement;
        public bool lockMoveX;
        public bool limitMoveX;
        public int moveXLimitDir;
        public bool lockMoveY;
        public bool limitMoveY;
        public int moveYLimitDir;
        public bool noFallDamage;
        public bool lockJump;
        public bool lockPlayState;
        public bool lockSprint;
        public bool lockZoom;

        void Awake()
            footsteps = GetComponent<FootstepsController>();
            healthManager = GetComponent<HealthManager>();
            gameManager = HFPS_GameManager.Instance;
            scriptManager = ScriptManager.Instance;
            itemSwitcher = scriptManager.C<ItemSwitcher>();

            gravity = controllerSettings.baseGravity * 2;

        void OnInitTexts()
            string defaultText = ExitLadder.Item2;
            ExitLadder.Item2 = TextsSource.GetText(ExitLadder.Item1, defaultText);

            if(movementState == MovementState.Ladder)
                gameManager.ShowHelpButtons(new HelpButton(ExitLadder.Item2, InputHandler.CompositeOf("Jump").GetBindingPath()), null, null, null);

        void Start()
            slideAngleLimit = CharacterControl.slopeLimit - 0.2f;

            if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)
                cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
                cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations[cameraHeadBob.cameraWalk].speed = cameraHeadBob.walkAnimSpeed;
                cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations[cameraHeadBob.cameraRun].speed = cameraHeadBob.runAnimSpeed;

            if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)
                armsHeadBob.armsAnimations.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
                armsHeadBob.armsAnimations[armsHeadBob.armsWalk].speed = armsHeadBob.walkAnimSpeed;
                armsHeadBob.armsAnimations[armsHeadBob.armsRun].speed = armsHeadBob.runAnimSpeed;
                armsHeadBob.armsAnimations[armsHeadBob.armsBreath].speed = armsHeadBob.breathAnimSpeed;


        void Update()
            velMagnitude = CharacterControl.velocity.magnitude;

            void GetInput()
                Vector2 movement;

                if ((movement = InputHandler.ReadInput<Vector2>("Move")) != null)
                    if (InputHandler.CurrentDevice != InputHandler.Device.MouseKeyboard)
                                inputX = movement.x;
                                inputMovement.x = movement.x;
                            } else {
                                inputX = movement.x;

                                if(moveXLimitDir == 0){
                                    if(movement.x < -0.000001 | movement.x == 0){

                                        inputMovement.x = movement.x;
                                    }//movement.x < -0.001
                                }//moveXLimitDir = left
                                if(moveXLimitDir == 1){
                                    if(movement.x > 0.000001 | movement.x == 0){
                                        inputMovement.x = movement.x;
                                    }//movement.x > -0.001
                                }//moveXLimitDir = right

                        } else {
                            inputMovement.x = inputX;
                                inputY = movement.y;
                                inputMovement.y = movement.y;
                            } else {
                                inputY = movement.y;
                                if(moveYLimitDir == 0){
                                    if(movement.y > 0.000001 | movement.y == 0){

                                        inputMovement.y = movement.y;
                                    }//movement.y > 0.001
                                }//moveYLimitDir = up
                                if(moveYLimitDir == 1){
                                    if(movement.y < -0.0000001 | movement.y == 0){
                                        inputMovement.y = movement.y;
                                    }//movement.y < -0.001
                                }//moveYLimitDir = down
                        } else {
                            inputMovement.y = inputY;
                                inputX = Mathf.MoveTowards(inputX, movement.x, Time.deltaTime * controllerSettings.inputSmoothing);
                                inputMovement.x = inputX;
                            } else {
                                inputX = Mathf.MoveTowards(inputX, movement.x, Time.deltaTime * controllerSettings.inputSmoothing);

                                if(moveXLimitDir == 0){
                                    if(inputX < -0.001 | inputX == 0){

                                        inputMovement.x = inputX;
                                    }//inputX < -0.001
                                }//moveXLimitDir = left
                                if(moveXLimitDir == 1){
                                    if(inputX > 0.001 | inputX == 0){
                                        inputMovement.x = inputX;
                                    }//inputX > -0.001
                                }//moveXLimitDir = right
                        } else {
                            inputMovement.x = inputX;
                                inputY = Mathf.MoveTowards(inputY, movement.y, Time.deltaTime * controllerSettings.inputSmoothing);
                                inputMovement.y = inputY;
                            } else {
                                inputY = Mathf.MoveTowards(inputY, movement.y, Time.deltaTime * controllerSettings.inputSmoothing);
                                if(moveYLimitDir == 0){
                                    if(inputY > 0.001 | inputY == 0){

                                        inputMovement.y = inputY;
                                    }//inputY < -0.001
                                }//moveYLimitDir = up
                                if(moveYLimitDir == 1){
                                    if(inputY < -0.001 | inputY == 0){
                                        inputMovement.y = inputY;
                                    }//inputY > -0.001
                                }//moveYLimitDir = down
                        } else {
                            inputMovement.y = inputY;

            //Break update when player is dead and ragdoll is activated
            if (healthManager.isDead)
                if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations && cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations.transform.childCount < 1)



            if (InputHandler.InputIsInitialized && !isPauseMenu)
                inputDevice = InputHandler.CurrentDevice;
                    ZoomPressed = InputHandler.ReadButton("Zoom");


                if (controllerFeatures.enableJump)
                        JumpPressed = InputHandler.ReadButtonOnce(this, "Jump") && (!controllerFeatures.enableStamina || currentStamina > 0);

                if (controllerFeatures.enableRun)
                        if (inputDevice != InputHandler.Device.MouseKeyboard)
                            if (!controllerFeatures.enableStamina)
                                if (InputHandler.ReadButtonOnce(this, "Run"))
                                    RunPressed = !RunPressed;
                                if (InputHandler.ReadButtonOnce(this, "Run"))
                                    if (!RunPressed && currentStamina > 0)
                                        RunPressed = true;
                                else if (currentStamina < 0)
                                    RunPressed = false;
                            if (!controllerFeatures.enableStamina)
                                RunPressed = InputHandler.ReadButton("Run");
                                RunPressed = InputHandler.ReadButton("Run") && currentStamina > 0;

                if (!InputHandler.IsCompositesSame("Crouch", "Prone"))
                        CrouchPressed = InputHandler.ReadButtonOnce(this, "Crouch");
                        PronePressed = InputHandler.ReadButtonOnce(this, "Prone");
                        bool prone = InputHandler.ReadButton("Prone");

                        if (prone && !inProne)
                            proneTimeStart = true;
                            proneTime += Time.deltaTime;

                            if (proneTime >= controllerSettings.consoleToProneTime)
                                PronePressed = true;
                                inProne = true;
                        else if (proneTimeStart && proneTime < controllerSettings.consoleToProneTime)
                            CrouchPressed = true;
                            proneTimeStart = false;
                            proneTime = 0;
                            CrouchPressed = false;
                            PronePressed = false;
                            proneTime = 0;

                            if (!prone && inProne)
                                inProne = false;

                if (isControllable)

                    if (inputDevice != InputHandler.Device.MouseKeyboard && inputY < 0.7f)
                        RunPressed = false;
                    RunPressed = false;
                    inputX = 0f;
                    inputY = 0f;
                    inputMovement =;


            if (inputDevice.IsGamepadDevice() == 1)
                if (!isPauseMenu)
                    isPauseMenu = gameManager.isPaused || gameManager.isInventoryShown;
                else if (!gameManager.isPaused && !gameManager.isInventoryShown)
                    isPauseMenu = InputHandler.AnyInputPressed();

            if (controllerFeatures.enableStamina)
                if (isRunning && !isInWater)
                    currentStamina = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentStamina, 0f, Time.deltaTime * staminaSettings.runExhaustionSpeed);
                    staminaRegenWait = staminaSettings.regenerateAfter;

                    if(RunPressed && currentStamina <= 0f)
                        RunPressed = false;

                    if (!isStaminaShown)
                        isStaminaShown = true;
                else if (staminaRegenWait <= 0 && staminaSettings.autoRegenerate)
                    staminaRegenWait = 0;
                    currentStamina = Mathf.MoveTowards(currentStamina, staminaSettings.playerMaxStamina, Time.deltaTime * staminaSettings.staminaRegenSpeed);

                    if (currentStamina >= staminaSettings.playerMaxStamina && isStaminaShown)
                        gameManager.ShowStaminaUI(currentStamina, false);
                        isStaminaShown = false;
                    staminaRegenWait -= Time.deltaTime;

                if (isStaminaShown)
                    gameManager.UpdateSliderValue(1, currentStamina);

            if (movementState == MovementState.Ladder)
                //Apply ladder movement physics
                isRunning = false;
                highestPoint = transform.position.y;

                if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)

                if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)

                if (onLadder)
                    Vector3 verticalMove = Vector3.up;
                    verticalMove *= inputY > 0.1f ? 1 : inputY < -0.1f ? -1 : 0;
                    verticalMove *= basicSettings.climbSpeed;

                    if (CharacterControl.enabled)
                        isGrounded = (CharacterControl.Move(verticalMove * Time.deltaTime) & CollisionFlags.Below) != 0;

                    if (ladder != null && Vector3.Distance(transform.position, ladder.LadderUp) < 0.2f)
                        onLadder = false;

                    if (isGrounded && inputY < 0 || JumpPressed)
                if (isGrounded)
                    isSliding = false;
                        if (SlopeCast(out slopeNormal, out float slopeAngle))
                            isSliding = slopeAngle > slideAngleLimit;
                    catch { }
                    sliding = isSliding;

                    //Change player affect type to running when they are not in water
                    if (characterState == CharacterState.Stand && !isInWater)
                        isRunning = isControllable && RunPressed && inputY > 0.5f && !ZoomPressed;
                        isRunning = false;

                    if (isSliding)
                        //Apply sliding physics
                        highestPoint = transform.position.y;

                        float maxSpeed = slidingSettings.maxSlideSpeed;
                        float friction = slidingSettings.slideFriction;
                        float increaseSpeed = slidingSettings.slideSpeedIncrease;
                        float speed = Mathf.Clamp(moveDirection.magnitude, 1, maxSpeed);

                        if (moveDirection.y < 0.1f)
                            speed = Mathf.MoveTowards(speed, maxSpeed, Time.deltaTime * increaseSpeed);

                        moveDirection.x += (1f - slopeNormal.y) * slopeNormal.x * friction;
                        moveDirection.z += (1f - slopeNormal.y) * slopeNormal.z * friction;

                        if (slidingSettings.slideControl)
                            moveDirection.z += inputMovement.x * slidingSettings.slideControlMultiplier;

                        moveDirection = moveDirection.normalized * speed;
                        slideDirection = moveDirection;

                        isSliding = false;
                    else if(slideDirection.magnitude > slidingSettings.maxAdditionalFriction)
                        //Apply additional slide friction
                        slideDirection = Vector3.MoveTowards(slideDirection,, Time.deltaTime * slidingSettings.additionalFrictionSpeed);
                        moveDirection = slideDirection;
                        //Apply fall damage and play footstep land sounds
                        if (isFalling && !isSliding)
                            fallDistance = highestPoint - currPosition.y;

                            if (fallDistance > fallDamageThreshold)

                            if (fallDistance < fallDamageThreshold && fallDistance > controllerSettings.minFallDistance)
                                StartCoroutine(ApplyKickback(new Vector3(7, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0), 0.15f));

                            isFalling = false;

                        //Assign movement speed
                        if (characterState == CharacterState.Stand)
                            if (!ZoomPressed)
                                if (!isInWater && !isRunning)
                                        movementSpeed = basicSettings.walkSpeed;
                                    } else {
                                        movementSpeed = customSpeed;
                                else if (!isInWater && isRunning)
                                    movementSpeed = Mathf.MoveTowards(movementSpeed, basicSettings.runSpeed, Time.deltaTime * basicSettings.runTransitionSpeed);
                                else if (isInWater)
                                    movementSpeed = basicSettings.inWaterSpeed;
                                movementSpeed = basicSettings.crouchSpeed;
                            } else {
                                movementSpeed = customSpeed;
                        else if (characterState == CharacterState.Crouch)
                                movementSpeed = basicSettings.crouchSpeed;
                            } else {
                                movementSpeed = customSpeed;
                        else if (characterState == CharacterState.Prone)
                                movementSpeed = basicSettings.proneSpeed;
                            } else {
                                movementSpeed = customSpeed;

                        //Apply normal movement physics
                        moveDirection = new Vector3(inputMovement.x, -antiBumpFactor, inputMovement.y);
                        moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
                        moveDirection *= movementSpeed;

                        //Jump player
                        if (isControllable && JumpPressed && movementState != MovementState.Ladder)
                            if (characterState == CharacterState.Stand)
                                if (controllerFeatures.enableStamina)
                                    if (!isStaminaShown)
                                        isStaminaShown = true;

                                    currentStamina -= isInWater ? staminaSettings.waterJumpExhaustion : staminaSettings.jumpExhaustion;
                                    if (currentStamina < 0) currentStamina = 0;
                                    staminaRegenWait = staminaSettings.regenerateAfter;

                                if (!isInWater)
                                    moveDirection.y = Mathf.Sqrt(basicSettings.jumpHeight * -2f * gravity);

                                    if (controllerFeatures.enableJumpSounds && jumpSounds.Length > 0)
                                        int jumpIndex = random.Range(0, jumpSounds.Length);
                                        Utilities.PlayOneShot2D(transform.position, jumpSounds[jumpIndex], jumpVolume);
                                    moveDirection.y = Mathf.Sqrt(basicSettings.waterJumpHeight * -2f * gravity);
                                if (CheckDistance() > 1.6f)
                                    characterState = CharacterState.Stand;

                    //Play camera head bob animations
                    if (!shakeCamera)
                        if (!steadyArms)
                            if (!isRunning && velMagnitude > basicSettings.crouchSpeed)
                                if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)

                                if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)
                            else if (isRunning && velMagnitude > basicSettings.walkSpeed)
                                if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)

                                if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)
                            else if (velMagnitude < basicSettings.crouchSpeed)
                                if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)

                                if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)
                            if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)

                            if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)
                    currPosition = transform.position;

                    if (!isFalling)
                        highestPoint = transform.position.y;

                    if (currPosition.y > lastPosition.y)
                        highestPoint = transform.position.y;

                    if (controllerFeatures.airControl)
                        moveDirection.x = inputX * movementSpeed;
                        moveDirection.z = inputY * movementSpeed;
                        moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);

                    if (!shakeCamera)
                        if (armsHeadBob.armsAnimations)

                        if (cameraHeadBob.cameraAnimations)

                    isFalling = true;

                if (!isInWater && isControllable && !antiSpam)
                    //Crouch Player
                    if (CrouchPressed && !flyControl && controllerFeatures.enableCrouch)
                        if (characterState != CharacterState.Crouch)
                            if (CheckDistance() > 1.6f)
                                characterState = CharacterState.Crouch;
                        else if (characterState != CharacterState.Stand)
                            if (CheckDistance() > 1.6f)
                                characterState = CharacterState.Stand;


                    //Prone Player
                    if (PronePressed && !flyControl && controllerFeatures.enableProne)
                        if (characterState != CharacterState.Prone)
                            characterState = CharacterState.Prone;
                        else if (characterState == CharacterState.Prone)
                            if (CheckDistance() > 1.6f)
                                characterState = CharacterState.Stand;


            //Play foam particles when player is in water
            if (foamParticles && !isFoamRemoved)
                if (isInWater && !ladderReady)
                    if (velMagnitude > 0.01f)
                        if (foamParticles.isStopped) foamParticles.Play(true);
                        if (foamParticles.isPlaying) foamParticles.Stop(true, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting);
                    foamParticles.Stop(true, ParticleSystemStopBehavior.StopEmitting);
                    isFoamRemoved = true;

            if (characterState == CharacterState.Stand)
                //Stand Position
                CharacterControl.height = controllerAdjustments.normalHeight;
       = controllerAdjustments.normalCenter;
                fallDamageThreshold = controllerSettings.standFallTreshold;

                Vector3 camPosition = mouseLook.localPosition;
                camPosition.y = Mathf.MoveTowards(camPosition.y, controllerAdjustments.camNormalHeight, Time.smoothDeltaTime * basicSettings.stateChangeSpeed);
                mouseLook.localPosition = camPosition;
            else if (characterState == CharacterState.Crouch)
                //Crouch Position
                CharacterControl.height = controllerAdjustments.crouchHeight;
       = controllerAdjustments.crouchCenter;
                fallDamageThreshold = controllerSettings.crouchFallTreshold;

                Vector3 camPosition = mouseLook.localPosition;
                camPosition.y = Mathf.MoveTowards(camPosition.y, controllerAdjustments.camCrouchHeight, Time.smoothDeltaTime * basicSettings.stateChangeSpeed);
                mouseLook.localPosition = camPosition;
            else if (characterState == CharacterState.Prone)
                //Prone Position
                CharacterControl.height = controllerAdjustments.proneHeight;
       = controllerAdjustments.proneCenter;
                fallDamageThreshold = controllerSettings.crouchFallTreshold;

                Vector3 camPosition = mouseLook.localPosition;
                camPosition.y = Mathf.MoveTowards(camPosition.y, controllerAdjustments.camProneHeight, Time.smoothDeltaTime * basicSettings.stateChangeSpeed);
                mouseLook.localPosition = camPosition;

            if (movementState != MovementState.Ladder && CharacterControl.enabled)
                if (!flyControl)
                    //Apply movement physics and gravity
                    moveDirection.y += gravity * Time.deltaTime;
                    //Apply flying physics
                    float flyingSpeed = 2f;
                    float dirChangeSpeed = 1.5f;
                    float startedFlyingSpeed = 5f;

                    if (Mathf.Abs(inputX) > 0)
                        flyModifier.x = Mathf.Lerp(flyModifier.x, inputX, Time.deltaTime * dirChangeSpeed);
                    if (Mathf.Abs(inputY) > 0)
                        flyModifier.z = Mathf.Lerp(flyModifier.z, inputY, Time.deltaTime * dirChangeSpeed);

                    if (InputHandler.ReadButton("Jump"))
                        flyModifier.y = Mathf.Lerp(flyModifier.y, 1, Time.deltaTime * dirChangeSpeed);
                    if (InputHandler.ReadButton("Crouch"))
                        flyModifier.y = Mathf.Lerp(flyModifier.y, -1, Time.deltaTime * dirChangeSpeed);

                    flyDirection = flyModifier;
                    flyDirection *= flyingSpeed;
                    flyDirection = transform.TransformDirection(flyDirection);
                    moveDirection = Vector3.Lerp(moveDirection, flyDirection, startedFlyingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

                isGrounded = (CharacterControl.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime) & CollisionFlags.Below) != 0;

                if (controllerFeatures.enableFly)
                    if (IsGrounded())
                        flyDirection =;
                        flyControl = false;
                    else if (!flyControl)
                        flyControl = true;

                if (wallRicochet && isGrounded)
                    wallRicochet = false;

        void LateUpdate()
            lastPosition = currPosition;

        float CheckDistance()
            Vector3 pos = transform.position + - new Vector3(0, CharacterControl.height / 2, 0);

            if (Physics.SphereCast(pos, CharacterControl.radius, transform.up, out RaycastHit hit, 10, surfaceCheckMask))
                Debug.DrawLine(pos, hit.point, Color.yellow, 2.0f);
                return hit.distance;
                Debug.DrawLine(pos, hit.point, Color.yellow, 2.0f);
                return 3;

        bool SlopeCast(out Vector3 normal, out float angle)
            Vector3 origin = new Vector3(transform.position.x,
                transform.position.y - (CharacterControl.height / 2),

            if (colliderHit != null)
                if (Physics.Raycast(origin, Vector3.down, out RaycastHit hit, slidingSettings.slideRayLength, slidingMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
                    if (colliderHit != null && hit.collider != null && colliderHit.gameObject == hit.collider.gameObject)
                        normal = hit.normal;
                        angle = Vector3.Angle(hit.normal, Vector3.up);
                        return true;
                else if (colliderHit != null)
                    normal = colliderHit.normal;
                    angle = Vector3.Angle(colliderHit.normal, Vector3.up);
                    return true;

            normal =;
            angle = 0f;
            return false;

        void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
            if (hit.normal.y < 0.1f && !isGrounded && controllerFeatures.enableWallRicochet)
                Vector3 tempMotion = moveDirection;
                tempMotion.y = 0f;

                float wallDot = Vector3.Dot(tempMotion, -hit.normal);
                float ricochet = Mathf.Max(controllerSettings.wallRicochetCap, 1.0f - wallDot);

                Vector3 ricochetDir = Vector3.Reflect(moveDirection, hit.normal);
                Vector3 newMotion = ricochetDir * ricochet;

                float y = moveDirection.y;
                moveDirection = newMotion;
                moveDirection.y = y;

                wallRicochet = true;

            colliderHit = hit;

            if (colliderHit != null && hit.collider != null)
                Rigidbody body = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;

                //dont move the rigidbody if the character is on top of it
                if (CharacterControl.collisionFlags == CollisionFlags.Below)

                if (body == null || body.isKinematic)

                Vector3 pushDir = new Vector3(hit.moveDirection.x, 0, hit.moveDirection.z);
                body.velocity = pushDir * basicSettings.pushSpeed;

        void ApplyFallingDamage(float fallDistance)
                healthManager.ApplyDamage((int)(fallDistance * controllerSettings.fallDamageMultiplier));
                if (characterState != CharacterState.Prone) footsteps.OnJump();
                StartCoroutine(ApplyKickback(new Vector3(12, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2.0f, 2.0f), 0), 0.1f));

        public void SetPlayerState(CharacterState state)
            if (state == CharacterState.Crouch)
                //Crouch Position
                CharacterControl.height = controllerAdjustments.crouchHeight;
       = controllerAdjustments.crouchCenter;
                fallDamageThreshold = controllerSettings.crouchFallTreshold;
                mouseLook.localPosition = new Vector3(mouseLook.localPosition.x, controllerAdjustments.camCrouchHeight, mouseLook.localPosition.z);
            else if (state == CharacterState.Prone)
                //Prone Position
                CharacterControl.height = controllerAdjustments.proneHeight;
       = controllerAdjustments.proneCenter;
                fallDamageThreshold = controllerSettings.crouchFallTreshold;
                mouseLook.localPosition = new Vector3(mouseLook.localPosition.x, controllerAdjustments.camProneHeight, mouseLook.localPosition.z);

            characterState = state;

        /// <summary>
        /// Restore player's stamina
        /// </summary>
        public void RestoreStamina(float stamina)
            currentStamina += (stamina / 100);

            if (currentStamina > staminaSettings.playerMaxStamina)
                currentStamina = staminaSettings.playerMaxStamina;

        /// <summary>
        /// Set player's max stamina
        /// </summary>
        public void SetPlayerMaxStamina(float maxStamina)
            staminaSettings.playerMaxStamina = maxStamina;
            gameManager.userInterface.StaminaSlider.maxValue = maxStamina;
            gameManager.ShowStaminaUI(maxStamina, false);
            currentStamina = maxStamina;
            isStaminaShown = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if player is on the ground
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsGrounded()
            Vector3 pos = transform.position + - new Vector3(0, (CharacterControl.height / 2f) + groundCheckOffset, 0);
            return Physics.CheckSphere(pos, groundCheckRadius, slidingMask) || isGrounded;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get Movement Input Values
        /// </summary>
        public Vector2 GetMovementValue()
            return new Vector2(inputX, inputY);

        /// <summary>
        /// Spawn player water foam particles
        /// </summary>
        public void PlayerInWater(float top)
            Vector3 foamPos = transform.position;
            foamPos.y = top;

            if (foamParticles == null)
                foamParticles = Instantiate(waterParticles, foamPos, transform.rotation);

            if (foamParticles)
                foamParticles.transform.position = foamPos;

        /// <summary>
        /// Use ladder function
        /// </summary>
        public void UseLadder(Ladder ladder, Vector2 look, bool climbUp)
            ladderReady = false;
            characterState = CharacterState.Stand;
            this.ladder = ladder;

            moveDirection =;
            inputX = 0f;
            inputY = 0f;

            // adjust exit position of the ladder
            ladderExit = ladder.LadderExit;
            ladderExit.y += CharacterControl.skinWidth + (controllerAdjustments.normalHeight / 2);

            if (climbUp)
                Vector3 enter = ladder.LadderCenter;
                enter.y = transform.position.y;

                // adjust enter position by groundCheckOffset
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, ladder.LadderUp) > groundCheckOffset + 0.1f)
                    enter.y += Mathf.Abs(groundCheckOffset) + Physics.defaultContactOffset;

                StartCoroutine(MovePlayer(enter, autoMoveSettings.climbUpAutoMove, true));
                scriptManager.GetComponent<MouseLook>().LerpLook(look, autoMoveSettings.climbUpAutoLook, true);
                // adjust climb down enter position
                Vector3 enter = ladder.LadderUp;
                enter.y -= 0.5f;

                StartCoroutine(MovePlayer(enter, autoMoveSettings.climbDownAutoMove, true));
                scriptManager.GetComponent<MouseLook>().LerpLook(look, autoMoveSettings.climbDownAutoLook, true);

            gameManager.ShowHelpButtons(new HelpButton(ExitLadder.Item2, InputHandler.CompositeOf("Jump").GetBindingPath()), null, null, null);
            movementState = MovementState.Ladder;

        /// <summary>
        /// Exit ladder movement
        /// </summary>
        public void LadderExit()
            if (ladderReady)
                movementState = MovementState.Normal;
                ladder.Collider.enabled = true;
                ladderExit =;
                ladderReady = false;
                onLadder = false;
                ladder = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Lerp player from ladder to position
        /// </summary>
        public void LerpPlayerLadder(Vector3 destination)
            if (ladderReady)
                StartCoroutine(MovePlayer(destination, autoMoveSettings.climbFinishAutoMove, false, true));
                ladderReady = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Lerp player to position
        /// </summary>
        public void LerpPlayer(Vector3 destination, Vector2 look, bool lerpLook = true)
            characterState = CharacterState.Stand;
            moveDirection =;
            ladderReady = false;
            isControllable = false;
            inputX = 0f;
            inputY = 0f;

            StartCoroutine(MovePlayer(destination, autoMoveSettings.globalAutoMove, false, true));

            if (lerpLook)
                scriptManager.GetComponent<MouseLook>().LerpLook(look, autoMoveSettings.globalAutoLook, true);

        public IEnumerator MovePlayer(Vector3 pos, float speed, bool isLadder, bool unlockLook = false)
            CharacterControl.enabled = false;

            while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, pos) > 0.05f)
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, pos, timekeeper.deltaTime * speed);
                yield return null;

            CharacterControl.enabled = true;
            isControllable = true;
            ladderReady = isLadder;
            onLadder = isLadder;
            movementState = isLadder ? MovementState.Ladder : MovementState.Normal;

            if (unlockLook) 

            if (!isLadder && ladder != null)
                ladder.Collider.enabled = true;
                ladderExit =;

        IEnumerator RemoveFoam()
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
            isFoamRemoved = false;

        public IEnumerator ApplyKickback(Vector3 offset, float time)
            Quaternion s = baseKickback.transform.localRotation;
            Quaternion sw = weaponKickback.transform.localRotation;
            Quaternion e = baseKickback.transform.localRotation * Quaternion.Euler(offset);
            float r = 1.0f / time;
            float t = 0.0f;

            while (t < 1.0f)
                t += Time.deltaTime * r;
                baseKickback.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(s, e, t);
                weaponKickback.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(sw, e, t);

                yield return null;

        IEnumerator AntiSpam()
            antiSpam = true;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(spamWaitTime);
            antiSpam = false;
        public void CustomSpeed_State(bool state){
            useCustomSpeed = state;
        public void CustomSpeed(float speed){
            customSpeed = speed;
        public void NoFallDamage_State(bool state){
            noFallDamage = state;
        public void LockMove_State(bool state){
            lockMovement = state;
        public void LockMoveX_State(bool state){
            lockMoveX = state;
        public void LimitMoveX_State(bool state){
            limitMoveX = state;
                moveXLimitDir = -1;
        public void LimitMoveX_Set(int direction){
            moveXLimitDir = direction;
        public void LockMoveY_State(bool state){
            lockMoveY = state;
        public void LimitMoveY_State(bool state){
            limitMoveY = state;
                moveYLimitDir = -1;
        public void LimitMoveY_Set(int direction){
            moveYLimitDir = direction;
        public void LockJump_State(bool state){
            lockJump = state;
        public void LockStateInput_State(bool state){
            lockPlayState = state;
        public void LockSprint_State(bool state){
            lockSprint = state;
        public void LockZoom_State(bool state){
            lockZoom = state;

        void OnDrawGizmos()
            if (!CharacterControl) return;

            Vector3 pos = transform.position + - new Vector3(0, (CharacterControl.height / 2f) + groundCheckOffset, 0);
            Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(pos, groundCheckRadius);

No. It’s complicated because you are writing unnecessarily complicated code. :wink:

You are hardcoding values everywhere. The code is highly repetitive. You seem to abstain from using local variables as much as possible. You don’t create methods where they belong. The amount of whitespace makes the code hard to read, literally every other line is empty! The Update() method is one giant blob of code. You don’t have to be a professional to clean this up, and benefit from better readability and maintainability. The IDE will support you in doing so.

I wouldn’t even know where to put a player spawn in there. Have you checked the documentation on how to do so? Fish-Net is similar to NGO, so if it works the same way in that regard, the NetworkManager should automatically spawn the Player prefab assigned to it in the Inspector.