Hello Everyone I want to create a 3d third person game where the person can connect through web and move and interact with each other . But i have tried photon pun and mirror but does not work .
Is there any other suggestion for the multiplayer service . Please let me know
1: All my games are only available on WebGL (https://www.gaming-style.com)
2: Yes you can but BOLT (https://www.photonengine.com/en-US/BOLT) or Fusion (https://www.photonengine.com/en-US/Fusion) must be better in this case but i don’t know if the WebGL support is available @tobiass can help you more than me in this case.
3: Hard to say, i have see some webgl game well optimized with 32/64 players without any real trouble but the WebGL still not have the multithreading support, so it’s not the best for big room with a lot of players in it.