Hi Guys, how can multiple 2D colliders be added to a game object and the vertices edited. I’m making a fighting game and have added multiple colliders for each animation frame and right now cannot edit the polygon collider for each frame , Unity only allows [bug?] the topmost collider to be edited?
Thanks in advance.
I think you shall at first disable the top most added collider in the inspector and then try to make the change in the underlying one.
Thanks for replying so quickly Unfortunately disabling/enabling the other colliders does not work. Only the topmost collider can be edited?
If you can try changing the Z position of the colliders over the gameobject, means to bring the one on top which you want to edit.
Unfortunately they are all attached to a single gameobject. Would a third party asset be able to solve the problem?
No no I am asking to change the z position of the collider, not the gameobject!!
Thanks for all your help Not an ideal solution, have attached the colliders as children representing a body part.