Multiple Action Maps with Composite Bindings conflict

I have two InputActionsMaps, and both have composite bindings for WASD (see image). I would expect that both would receive input any time WASD is pressed, but I only get input from one of them (it appears to be which ever one has been enabled the longest).

I saw a similar issue in another thread but there wasn’t a clear resolution.

I did try creating the maps from code as in the other thread and I did get the expected behavior of both action maps seeing the input, so there seems to be something different about creating and Input Action Asset.

I filed a bug report about this (some inputs receiving a value of zero when read a second time). Unity marked it as a duplicate of the following issue (linked), so I voted on that issue to be fixed. You should too if it’s causing you problems (in my case I’m postponing upgrading to newer versions of Unity and the Input System) else who knows if Unity will ever consider it important enough to be fixed.

This is a problem with the new shortcut key support we added in 1.4.1. Can you try the solution in this thread as a workaround?