Multiple Animation Layer + Network Animator: Broken?

Is multiple Mechanim Animator Layers + Network Animator supported? Has anybody got it to work?

I have an object with 3 layers in the Animator Controller to allow:
1: Walking
2: Walking + Blocking
3: Walking + Attacking
4: Walking + Blocking + Attacking
5: Standing
6: Standing + Blocking
7: Standing + Attacking
8: Standing + Blocking + Attacking

It works fine on the server/host.

However, on a client using NetworkAnimator only the lowest priority base layer [0] (top in the hierarchy) walking animation works. The attack and block animations on layer [1] and [2] are not working on client.

Has anybody successfully used NetworkAnimator on an Animator Controller that has more than 1 layer? Any tricks to getting it to work? Thanks in advance.

Issue has been replicated by devs May 5th, 2016
Issue marked as postponed

Any progress about this bug?

Looks like issue is still marked as postponed. UNET’s HLAPI doesn’t seem to be getting much any attention anymore (LLAPI still being worked on though).

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Thanks for info Zullar.