multiple animations that play automatically

is it possible that I can attach multiple animations that play automatically?

I already tried changing its size to 2 but it didn’t work.

Making a character walk and stop isn’t too hard, but it will take some time to understand the fundamentals. These tutorials should get you started: Legacy character animation tutorial or Mecanim tutorial.

You should really watch those tutorials to understand how the animation systems work. But, briefly, here’s an overview of how you could do this using the legacy animation system. I’m guessing you’re using legacy because you “tried changing its size to 2” – presumably the Animations array in the Animation component on your object. This is just one of many ways to do it.

Add two animations to your character’s Animation component: Let’s say they’re called Idle and Walk. Set the Animation property to Walk. Tick Play Automatically. Add a Character Controller component. Rotate the character in the direction you want it to walk.

Add an empty game object to the scene. Move it to the place where you want the character to stop. Add a box collider, and tick Is Trigger.

Create a C# script with the following:

private bool walking = true;

void Update() {
    if (walking) GetComponent<CharacterController>().SimpleMove(transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward));

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
    walking = false;

Add that script to your character.

Your character should automatically walk until it enters the trigger area of the empty game object.

This will accomplish what you’re asking about, but you really need to watch those tutorials or do a little more research to make it do more, or do it more robustly.