Multiple camera question

So I am trying to use multiple cameras, one for the game view and one for the gui made of objects. I was sure I did this before and it worked, but now I can not seem to get it to work.
Create a new scene. Add a sphere and move it so it is in view of the Main Camera.
Create a new camera. Add a cube and move it so it is in view of the new Camera, but not in the same screen space as the Sphere.
Shouldnt both be visible?
I only see the camera with the higher depth value, it just over writes the frame from the lower camera.

In this simple test scene if I set the “Clear Flags” of the higher depth camera to “Depth Only” it then shows both objects, but then one will always render on top of the other.

Don’t you generally want a GUI to render on top of everything else? You may also play with Layers to fine-tune this stuff.

use viewport rect to handle this i think it works