Multiple developers working on the same scene


We are a team working on Unity Pro, and we struggle on 1 point: working together on the same Unity “scene”.

If 2 people edit the same scene, the merge is very long and almost impossible in some cases ==> the scene file is very long, unclear and uneasy to understand.

Is there any workaround, plugin or tip to allow multiple people to work on the same scene at once?

Any idea is welcome !

I have a couple for you.

  1. Use a lot of prefabs, obviously in an organized fashion and only make changes to your prefabs. Then new prefabs in 2018 help with this a lot.
  2. Using lots of prefabs reduces actual scene changes but scene changes are still needed for object references, adding objects, Communication is key, make sure which one of you knows for certain who is making scene changes and the others don’t touch it until you have grabbed their work.
  3. Use additive scene loading. Break up your objects into different scenes and at runtime load them all into one scene.

check out this tool, it might help

it allows you to collaborate in real time in the same scene and watch the changes happen