Multiple Distinct Physics2D Bubbles on Screen


I want to have multiple “games” on screen at once, each with their own physical bubble.

I currently have a system that calls Ignore collision on each collider that is not in the current “bubble”. However I’m now running into issues with my raycasts detecting colliders in separate “bubbles”.

So I was wondering, is there a better way to do this (multiple Physics2D bubbles at once)? My brute force “ignore collision” approach seems a little rough.

Any information that can point me in the right direction would be very appreciated!


If I understand your goal correctly, your “bubbles” might work best with multiple scenes. You can render multiple scenes together. Lookup SceneManager and the “Additive” LoadSceneMode.
If that works for you, please post here how it worked for you, so others can learn from your experience.