is it possible to have multiple Editor and Plugins directory in unity project?
If not : how to manage third party package which have editor or plugin?
is it possible to have multiple Editor and Plugins directory in unity project?
If not : how to manage third party package which have editor or plugin?
Well It’s possible to have multiple editor folders even inside subfolders, However the plugin folder need to be at root level inside the assets folder. You can however add subfolders to the plugin folder. Maybe they will change that in the future. As by now most packages which have plugins simply contain a plugin folder with a subfolder of their company name or the name of their package.
It is in fact possible to have Plugins folders not at root level, but to be clear only folder contained in the root Plugins folder will be placed in the Assembly-CSharp-firstpass
Amplify Color & Odin Inspector have the follow folder strucutres.
Amplify Color: Amplify Color -> Plugins -> Code
Odin Inspector:Plugins -> Sirenix -> Code
Notice however how Amplify Color is not included in the Assembly-CSharp-firstpass
while Odin Inspector is included.
I have to disagree @Bunny83. It is possible to have Plugins directories not at the root level, as long as they have the Unity projects’ Assets folder somewhere within their path, and have the folder name ‘Plugins’