// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
projectileSpawn = this.transform.parent.GetChild(0).position;
rotation = this.transform.parent.GetChild(0).rotation;
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider collision)
if (collision.tag == "Human")
targeter = GameObject.Find("Human-1").transform;
Debug.Log("In range of enemy turret");
else if (collision.tag == “Human2”) {
targeter = GameObject.Find("Human-2").transform;
Debug.Log("In range of enemy turret");
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider collision)
if (collision.tag == "Human2" || collision.tag == "Human")
// SetInRange(false);
target = null;
Debug.Log("Out of range of enemy turret");
} // Resets the value of TurretAI.inRange to false when the astral goes out of range (leaves box collider)
private void ShootProjectile()
if (inRange && Time.time > nextShot) // Provided the target is close enough and a set time has past since the last shot, shoot at target
nextShot = Time.time + fireRate; // Causes a time delay between each projectile being fired
Instantiate(projectile, projectileSpawn, rotation);
Debug.Log("Shots Fired!");
private void SetInRange(bool incomingValue)
inRange = incomingValue;