If you want the best results you will need to figure out how to get them. Luckily even the basis stuff works so poorly the forum is littered with useful work arounds from smart people. And the asset store would also have a lot less useful assets if base unity would work better.
(these are from my notes on this, I have not checked how useful they currently are)
I've been trying to make a master VFX graph that managed all the bullets in the game using the Graphics Buffer feature to both get more into the Graphics buffer feature and the VFX graph in general.
Based on the siggraph 2021 showcase of the feature, so many thanks @VladVNeykov , i'm sure the C# side of things are fine. Unfortunately I can't wrap my head around how to interpret the data.
The weapon triggers an event. "OnShot"
but it only shows one bul…
When using a custom struct comprised of different variable types (even when setting the stride to 4 bytes and calculating the stride and count in the graph manually) I'm unable to sample my graphics buffer in my visual effect graph.
It keeps throwing
Exception while compiling expression graph: System.InvalidOperationException: Diverging type usage for GraphicsBuffer : System.UInt32, System.Single
Is there a reason this isn't possible?
Is the only workaround really to create a buffer for e…
I've been playing around with VFX Graph a lot recently, and I really love the toolset. However, I keep running into performance issues both in the editor workflow and in play-mode.
The most recent and most unpleasant is that it takes almost 30 seconds to do some fundamental operations. I've got a vfx graph containing four instances of another subgraph which is a small particle system. I'm using this to quickly mirror my effects across the x and z axes. When I try to open the subgraph, or save…
I cannot find clear answer to my question anywhere.
There are 10 different independent effects triggered by their own 10 events (OnPlay1, OnPlay2…). Is there any reason (like performence difference) to put them all into one large graph instead of 10 graphs in different game objects?