Hi all,
is there a way for a camera on a cart following a dolly track that is looped to look at different objects as it moves along the track?
I see target groups but they seem to only focus on trying to ensure the objects in a group are always in the camera view.
What Im trying to do is have the camera point to different objects as it follows the track.
Any suggestions gratefully received. Thanks
You can have the camera look at an invisible game object that you move from object to object at the desired times, perhaps when the dolly cart enters trigger zones.
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Thank you. In the Vcam there is only one option for a look at object. How would you add more than one? or do you set this up as part of the trigger zone the Vcam enters?
You use only the single invisible object as a LookAt. Yes, the logic to move the target is handled in the trigger zone entries. You can lerp the object from where it is to the desired spot, or you can just snap it there and let the vcam’s damping smooth it out.
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Thank you.