Multiple NavMeshAgents on one OffMeshLink?

Hey, guys.

After doing some significant testing, it appears that one NavMeshAgent won’t begin to traverse an OffMeshLink until the one previous has finished traversing it. At first I thought this was the custom script I wrote to slow down that ridiculous speed that Unity uses to traverse OML’s, but even disabling that and allowing the default behavior to take place, the issue kept occurring.

As far as I can tell, I’m not doing anything special…any off mesh link, and two agents close behind each other (disable obstacle avoidance for easy testing) will cause this behavior.

Are there any ideas? I tried putting two OML’s in the same location, but both agents always want to route to the same one.

Thanks in advance.

did you find a solution? i have the same problem

If I recall…and this was a long time ago…I just scrapped OML’s entirely. They were wonky, and probably still are. I just coded custom behavior…if a character entered a certain layer of the navmesh, snap them off the navmesh, do the animation/movement manually, then snap them back on.

Kind of annoying, but the layer system itself does work well, so it’s not that bad.