Multiple Pre-export methods

Hi there!

Quick question: Can we have more than one Pre-export method? And if we can, What’s the expected separator?

I’m aware I could just wrap all the calls on a single method, but I’m wondering if i can just put a list there… Can’t find much documentation mentioning explicitly that is nor allowed nor forbidden…

Unfortunately, you cannot define more than one Pre-export method. I would suggest to wrap your calls in a single method as you have mentioned.

Hope that helps.

Okey thanks! Will do.

I don’t know if you guys have it on the roadmap, but if you could add it in the future as it is atm for scripting define symbols for instance, would be great :slight_smile:

Can you tell me how to delete the Facebook Build Target support from inside the Pre/Post Method? Is there is an environmental variable with the path to Unity editor, so that I can go into the playable engines and simply delete the Facebook Build Support? For IOS it should be
/UNITY_PATH/Unity/Unity-2019_2_0f1/ Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/Facebooksupport