Hi guys, I have found a lot of answers on the matter, but they were kind of old and I was wondering if the newer Unity versions support this? In my case I have a collider and a trigger attached to one object. And from what I read is that I can only communicate with both of them, and if I want individual control I’d have to create a child object. Is this still the case?
There’s nothing wrong with having children. Make a child object to hold each trigger, and everything works fine. If you’re having difficulty “talking” from trigger to parent and back, that’s just a fixable coding issue.
It’s kind of like how you can’t have several files in a directory named goat.txt, since you couldn’t tell them apart. So you make folders named zoo1, farm1, zoo2 … each holding one of them. You can now easily find farm1/goat.txt, and so on. The same way, having a child holding a trigger allows you to name each trigger and find/check using that transform.