Multiple Uncaught ReferenceError in Unity WebGL build (6.0.34)


I have been testing Unity 6 for a possible version update and came across some errors regarding the WebGL build.

When trying to open system’s window for file uploads in my app, I get the following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Pointer_stringify is not defined at _UploadFile

This _UploadFile is a method in the unity.framework.js and indeed contains the Pointer_stringify method:

function _UploadFile(gameObjectNamePtr, methodNamePtr, filterPtr, multiselect) {
            gameObjectName = Pointer_stringify(gameObjectNamePtr);
            methodName = Pointer_stringify(methodNamePtr);
            filter = Pointer_stringify(filterPtr);

For curiosity, I uncompressed the “.framework.js.unityweb” file generated in the build folder and it does contain this code.
Finally, when this error occurs, the app is halted.

A similar error whenever I try to edit a text in a TextMeshPro - InputField object. This time the error refers to the allocate:

Uncaught ReferenceError: allocate is not defined at input.oninput

This one does not halt the app.

Are these bugs or am I missing something in, for example, webgl export settings?
Thanks in advance for any help or further instructions. I can also provide more details on those cases.

Hi. Pointer_stringify was deprecated and removed altogether at some point, these calls should be replaced with UTF8ToString. The second one is probably also some deprecated API in TMP.


Adding to Ali’s answer there is this documentation page which lists all the deprecated browser interaction code that needs to be updated when migrating to Unity 6 from an older version: Unity - Manual: Replace deprecated browser interaction code.

Regarding the TextMeshPro issue: can you give use a code snippet that triggers that issue? Or is it something inside the TextMeshPro codebase?

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