I have been testing Unity 6 for a possible version update and came across some errors regarding the WebGL build.
When trying to open system’s window for file uploads in my app, I get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Pointer_stringify is not defined at _UploadFile
This _UploadFile is a method in the unity.framework.js and indeed contains the Pointer_stringify method:
function _UploadFile(gameObjectNamePtr, methodNamePtr, filterPtr, multiselect) {
gameObjectName = Pointer_stringify(gameObjectNamePtr);
methodName = Pointer_stringify(methodNamePtr);
filter = Pointer_stringify(filterPtr);
For curiosity, I uncompressed the “.framework.js.unityweb” file generated in the build folder and it does contain this code.
Finally, when this error occurs, the app is halted.
A similar error whenever I try to edit a text in a TextMeshPro - InputField object. This time the error refers to the allocate:
Uncaught ReferenceError: allocate is not defined at input.oninput
This one does not halt the app.
Are these bugs or am I missing something in, for example, webgl export settings?
Thanks in advance for any help or further instructions. I can also provide more details on those cases.