multiple users for a bought asset?

Hello! i would like to know what the situation is with licenses for a bought asset in the assets store regarding multiple users...?

for example: if an assets get bought by one account can other accounts use that asset? even by just copying the files from the assets folder? or do all developers need to be logged in with same account?


I doubt it.

You are of course responsible for the files that you have downloaded from the asset store and must not redistribute them without contacting the vendor first. I had the problem as well, where a client wanted the source, but then what about the extensions I bought?! he wqould own them then. I contacted the vendors, and of course this is forbidden, so my client had to bought all the necessary extensions so that I could share the source rightfully.

There is a big problem now with this, I think Unity has overlooked how easy it is to redistribute content. They should build a licensing system for sellers to be on the safe side.

