Multiply blending between two cameras

So I have two cameras that have the same view but different render settings:

What I would like to have is Camera number 1 to render multiplied on camera number 2, somehow like with Photoshop layers, to achieve something like that:

Anyone has any idea on how to achieve that?
Thank you in advance!

Draw camera 2, then for camera 1 use a multiply shader e.g. particles multiply.

Thanks! Do I need to to render camera 1 to a texture? Where can I find the particles multiply shader?

The second rendering can be done from script by using Camera.RenderWithShader.
(Or however the call to render with a replacment shader is).
Or if all the materials simply have a shader that is multiplicative it wouldn’t need even that.
However this may not be exactly the result you want, depending on how it’s all set up.

If you want to do it in a more “photoshoppy” way and do it only based on the end result images, then I’d suggest setting up one camera to render to a render texture, and on the second camera have a post process effect that does the multiply of the textures.

Another way is to use a single camera, and simply render the stuff you want to be multiplicative with shaders that have a multiplicative blend mode, and make sure their renderque’s are after anything that should be affected.