Multiplying Vector2 from another script.

Multiplying Vector2 value from another script?

So I am attempting to multiple a single variable from a Vector2 from another script than the one that calls the Vector2. Now I know how I would go about multiplying the entire vector, however I am having trouble just multiplying the x value of the Vector. Here is the script:

function OnMouseDown()
object1.GetComponent("TestScript").testingvector = Vector2.x * -1;

And I am recieving this error when using it:

BCE0020: An instance of type 'UnityEngine.Vector2' is required to access non static member 'x'.

What would I need to do?

As i posted yesterday. The issue here is that Vector2.x is not a thing. if you want to invert the x value of the vector then use the following.

object1.GetComponent("TestScript").testingvector.x *= -1;

Also consider caching a reference to your component instead of doing a GetComponent each update.

Think of Vector2 as a variable type. What you are doing is like doing

x = float + 1.0f;

You should try something like that instead:

object1.GetComponent(“TestScript”).testingvector.x *= (-1);